Karen Brodie, Trustee

Tell me a little about you – I am the partnerships director of the UK’s largest commercial national and regional publisher. I am married and have a very old rescue cat called Tigger who is mollycoddled beyond belief. I am a social animal (excuse the pun) but also a total bookworm and obsessed with 1940s black and white movies.

RSPCA South London trustee
Karen & her cat Tigger

When did you become a trustee? I started officially in November 2020

As a trustee, what are your responsibilities? I manage the fundraising sub team, so try and encourage local businesses to support us however they can as well as organising (lockdowns allowing!) events in the local area to raise funds, increase awareness and liaise with the communities in which we work, to really understand the issues that need to be tackled.

Why did you become a trustee of RSPCA? I had been looking to combine my desire to work with a charity with my love of animals and support of animal rights and the role popped up on Linkedin. It was perfect.

Do you have a message for our followers/supporters/volunteers? A huge thank you to our supporters, as we really couldn’t do the work we do without you. Let’s keep fighting the good fight and try and get as many more animal lovers involved as we can.

What is your favourite domestic and favourite British wild animal, and why? Cats (I couldn’t really say anything else!) and foxes because they are graceful and smart and much maligned, and need people speaking up for them!

Fox rescued by the RSPCA locally
Fox rescued by the RSPCA locally

Do you have an amusing/heart-warming animal related anecdote, story or joke that you can share? Not really a story, but a thought. During the pandemic, many people wouldn’t have got through it without their pets.

Animals have no side and no agenda, they simply want to live and be loved and respected. Anything we can do to support that as human beings is a positive, and a goal we should all have.